Yearly Archives: 2013

Council Open House & Community Reception – Jan. 8, 2014

You are invited to an Open House & Community Reception from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Willamette Room at the West End Building on Wednesday, January 8. 

Drop in and visit with Council members in a relaxed setting at round tables, have a cookie, and share your thoughts for the upcoming year.

  • What do you want the Council to focus on in 2014?
  • What can Council do to help foster the things that make Lake Oswego great?
  • What issues or opportunities should Council keep in mind as it sets goals for 2014 and beyond?

If you can’t make the Open House & Community Reception, please share your input via email to City Council.

In the week following the open house, Council will meet to set goals for 2014.

“Free the Trees” in Waluga Park – Nov. 16

Waluga Park is under attack and needs your help! English Ivy is creeping up most of the park’s majestic trees and without help, many of them will die. 

Friends of Waluga Park is sponsoring regular work parties to “Free the Trees!” We will cut the ivy growing around the base of the trunks. This will give the trees a fighting chance until the City of Lake Oswego can properly treat the park. 

Please come to the work party on Saturday, Nov. 16th from 9:30am to noon. You will need to wear sturdy shoes, long pants and long sleeves. Rubberized garden gloves are recommended.

Please bring the following tools if you have them:

  • Loppers
  • Clippers
  • Hand Saw (no power tools or herbicides)

We will meet in the East Waluga Park parking lot near the covered picnic shelter, rain or shine! See the difference that you can make in just a few hours!

Questions? Please contact Will Mahoney-Watson at

“Free the Trees” in Waluga Park – Nov. 2

Waluga Park is under attack and needs your help! English Ivy is creeping up most of the park’s majestic trees and without help, many of them will die. 

Friends of Waluga Park is sponsoring regular work parties to “Free the Trees!” We will cut the ivy growing around the base of the trunks. This will give the trees a fighting chance until the City of Lake Oswego can properly treat the park. 

Please come to the work party on Saturday, Nov. 2nd from 9:30am to noon. You will need to wear sturdy shoes, long pants and long sleeves. Rubberized garden gloves are recommended.

Please bring the following tools if you have them:

  • Loppers
  • Clippers
  • Hand Saw (no power tools or herbicides)

We will meet in the East Waluga Park parking lot near the covered picnic shelter, rain or shine! See the difference that you can make in just a few hours!

Busy? We’ll have another “Free the Trees!” event on Sat. Nov. 16th. 

Questions? Please contact Will Mahoney-Watson at


Annual General Meeting – Oct. 24th

You are cordially invited you to our annual general meeting!!

Please mark your calendars for Thursday, October 24th at 7pm for an hour of information and ice cream!

“Do you want to know what is going on around us that could change the character of our neighborhood?”

Come and hear about the latest projects and development that will impact the livability of Waluga Neighborhood. Learn from City staff about the latest plans for the hotly debated topic of the Lake Oswego/Tigard Water Agreement Project that includes a new water pipe installation through our streets and a new water reservoir.

We will present a new slate of officers for the election of board members and board members-at-large for 2013-14. It’s not too late to consider serving on our board.

Following our brief meeting, everyone will have the opportunity to enjoy delicious pumpkin ice cream while socializing with your neighbors

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. and will be held at Lake Grove Elementary School Library.      

For More Information:

•       Check our new website:

•       Email:

•       Phone: 503-635-4131


Neighborhood Picnic – August 4, 2013

Our fourth annual “Meet Your Neighbors for a Picnic in the Park” was a big success. Over 75 people showed up to enjoy burgers, salads and some outstanding desserts! We also had some special visitors from the Lake Oswego Fire and Police departments. 

Thanks to everyone for coming and to our volunteers who worked so hard to make this event a success!

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Dick Benedetti Honored by Chief of Police

Dick Benedetti, a Waluga Neighborhood Association Board Member-at-Large, was recently honored by the Lake Oswego Chief of Police, Don Johnson. Benedetti was honored with a Chief’s coin and a certificate of appreciation for his work with the Lake Oswego Police Department. He was presented the Chief’s coin by Chief Johnson.

Congratulations to Dick for his superb efforts to advocate WNA’s interests before the LO Police Department. We really appreciate you!

Dick Benedetti Honored

Dick Benedetti recognized by LO Police Chief, Don Johnson