
One of our main goals is to ensure the transportation system in the Waluga Neighborhood is safe and enhances neighborhood character and quality. This means managing traffic by reducing the amount of cut-through vehicles, unlawful speeding through the neighborhood, improving and providing for practical safe pedestrian, bicycle and transit opportunities. There are many recommended action measures listed in our Neighborhood Plan Goal 12, TRANSPORTATION that outline specific strategies to help us manage the ever-increasing traffic on our neighborhood streets. This includes on-street parking conditions, traffic congestion, and shared parking possibilities.

The Waluga Neighborhood Board approved the following Traffic Goals for our neighborhood for 2023:


  1. Keep cut-through traffic* and speeds to a minimum and speeds within legal posted limits by using a combination of traffic calming techniques and ongoing law enforcement to maintain residential character and enhance livability.
  2. Provide safe passage for bicycles and pedestrians throughout our neighborhood.
  3. Continue to preserve current Waluga and adjacent neighborhood street classifications.
  4. Ensure that adequate onsite parking for commercial and residential developments, including multifamily, single family and mixed uses to improve the safety and unimpeded flow of vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.

*Cut-through traffic is through traffic or auto trips, which have neither trip end nor beginning within the association boundary. 

Traffic Action Plans are assigned to board member to help to support the above Goals. Some include: Improving Douglas Way/Quarry Road intersection; increasing safety measures for pedestrians at the Galewood Street/Quarry Road intersection; making every effort to support the school district for relocating the school bus facility from our neighborhood; continue to plant shrubs along Quarry Road; improve roundabout signage and plantings to improve pedestrian safety; install a striped crosswalk on Quarry Road to Galewood Street for pedestrian safety; and closely monitor parking in the entire neighborhood so commercial and other development parking does not impact residential properties and compromise safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists

Traffic calming measures such as the installation of speed humps, oversize stop signs, additional roadway markings, a permanent digital speed feedback sign on Quarry Road and shrubbery plantings along Quarry Road are examples of past successful projects.

We also have a traffic and police liaison who meets regularly with the Lake Oswego Police Chief and staff to discuss and update our traffic and parking concerns.  Meetings are also held at least quarterly with the city Traffic Engineer. The entire WNA board continually reviews proposed construction projects that could impact traffic.