The defining characteristic of the Waluga Neighborhood is its vast natural resources. The mature tree canopy throughout the neighborhood, the stream corridor along Daniel Way and Mercantile Drive, the wetlands in East Waluga Park, two City recognized Heritage trees, and the open space and trails located in East Waluga Park linking to West Waluga Park are features we value and want to preserve and enhance. Among mature tall trees are meandering pathways that add to the sense of place and provide safe, efficient and enjoyable pedestrian and bicycle travel.
Not only do these natural resource features define the rural character, natural beauty and aesthetics of our neighborhood, they also provide extensive wildlife habitat, improve surface water quality, and storm water conveyance. Our neighborhood is home to many species of birds including hummingbirds and herons. A multitude of birds frequent feeders found in many residential yards. Raccoons, Fox squirrels, native Douglas squirrels and of course coyotes also reside in the Waluga neighborhood.
To help protect our heavily wooded neighborhood, any tree removal requests from property owners are carefully reviewed and monitored. We seek to protect and enhance significant trees and other sensitive land features. We encourage property owners to landscape with native trees and plants and to remove invasive vegetation regularly.
On public land, we plan to form volunteer work groups to help remove invasive plants that have been allowed to grow and spread insidiously. Invasive plants threaten the long term health of our valued trees and precious wildlife habitat.