Annual General Meeting – Oct. 24th

You are cordially invited you to our annual general meeting!!

Please mark your calendars for Thursday, October 24th at 7pm for an hour of information and ice cream!

“Do you want to know what is going on around us that could change the character of our neighborhood?”

Come and hear about the latest projects and development that will impact the livability of Waluga Neighborhood. Learn from City staff about the latest plans for the hotly debated topic of the Lake Oswego/Tigard Water Agreement Project that includes a new water pipe installation through our streets and a new water reservoir.

We will present a new slate of officers for the election of board members and board members-at-large for 2013-14. It’s not too late to consider serving on our board.

Following our brief meeting, everyone will have the opportunity to enjoy delicious pumpkin ice cream while socializing with your neighbors

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. and will be held at Lake Grove Elementary School Library.      

For More Information:

•       Check our new website:

•       Email:

•       Phone: 503-635-4131
