Author Archives: Mark Smith

Waluga Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

6:30 pm

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Fireside Room, 15751 Quarry Road

What’s Happening in Waluga?


  • 6:30 pm Tasty bites and beverages: Complements of Elephants Deli, Starbucks and Albertsons
  • 7:00 pm Say hello to Waluga Neighborhood board members, Emergency Preparedness coordinators & neighbors
  • Elections for 2024-25 board members
  • Listen, Learn and Ask Questions from the LO School District’s Mary Kay Larson, Exec. Director of Communications and Tony Vandenberg, Exec. Director of Project Management on what’s the future for Lake Grove Elementary School, it’s property, the LO School District’s long-range plan and 2025 third School Bond.
  • Welcome: Scott Lind, Lake Oswego’s City Emergency Management Services Coordinator
  • Other Announcements and Discussion

Looking forward to seeing you all again!


Email: Website:

Lake Grove Elementary School and Property

The Lake Oswego City Council adopted their 2024 City Council Goal 5. Through Initiative 2, the LO Council aims to “develop a strategy for an all-ages and all activities community
center including a brand new, larger and extremely modern library on the west side of
town that would also include event, meeting spaces and public services. At approximately the same time, the Lake Oswego School District through it’s Long Range Facility Plan (LRFP) committee is considering the future of the Lake Grove Elementary School (LGES) property.

The Lake Oswego School Board is considering “partnering” with the City again. This time to see what and how many buildings/services can be developed on the LGES property. If
another “partnering” decision is made, the school district could possibly shutter LGES at
the present location. This means moving LGES students to Uplands Elementary School
(UES). Additionally, the school district would have to look at re-distributing/re-aligning
school boundaries: Most notably the students at LGES will be moved to either UES or
other district elementary schools nearest to where they live. Also being considered is re-
locating and building a new school district administration building and the community
transition program CTP) for 18-21 year old individuals; moving them from their current
location at Lake Oswego High School. The District’s administration building and their
maintenance services could also be moved to the Palisades Elementary World Language
School in the Palisades Neighborhood Association. Earlier plans include moving the World Language School to UES.

The next LRFP committee meeting is May 14 at 5:30 pm. At this meeting a final list of
recommendations for the LGES property will be formulated and eventually presented to
the LO School Board. This list may or may not include a new City library and community
center on the LGES property. It also may or may not include the District’s Admin building and CTP on the LGES property and finally may or may not include LGES itself.

Meanwhile the school district also will be preparing information to be included in a 3rd
school bond measure for voters in Spring 2025. Finally, the City may need to develop a
funding strategy that may include the extension of the Lake Grove Urban Renewal
District, voter approval of a General Obligation Bond, grant funding or other funding

For additional questions, concerns and comments please email: