Emergency Preparations Team Meeting – July 27, 2016

Emergency Prep Area Coordinators’ (ACs) Meeting Agenda and Notes

July 27, 2016


  1. Introduce Topic of holding our annual block meetings with neighbors, including gap between past years and now – like school summer vacation, when you forgot your times tables over the summer?

Also some new areas such as Condos on Quarry – will begin from scratch.

  1. Set a Date – Ask each AC to do it on her or his block – and discussion as needed – e.g., where to have it, how affected by weather, costs of refreshments.
  2. Effective inviting – hand delivery combined with MYN questionnaires. But if necessary, make up invitations and email. If you don’t have emails, knock on the door, invite, and ask.
  3. Preparations: passed out PREP Oregon’s “Hosting the First Meeting” Sheet. Shared highlights of outdoor signs, sign-in sheets, pens and note pads, furniture arrangements, refreshments.
  4. Contents – See our earlier meeting outline and adapt.
  5. Questions and discussion.